Also starting from this release, it will be required that the game data folders be located inside a folder "Q2" at the engines folder level.
Starting from Release 4, all new savegame files will work as expected.
Fixed a problem with savegame files from this engine, which were not compatible between releases.
Lots of bug fixes, including an embarrasing one where left & right sound channels were inverted (oops!).
Support for the official Quake II Mission Packs, now available in the Quake Rev PAK launcher.
New GX-accelerated build! Runs smoothly at 60fps, and looks really nice.
New features and changes since Release 4 of Quake Rev PAK: For technical reasons, the Capture The Flag module is not included in this engine you will need to play Q2CTFRev for that purpose. The engine is feature-complete, with sound, network play, and CD music track playback. Links for releases are no longer available until a future date for now, you can get the source code from to build your own release. IMPORTANT NOTICE : The Quake Rev PAK source code repository has been moved to GitHub, due to Google Code project hosting being closed. Q2Rev, as a standalone application, has been deprecated. A port of the original id Tech 2 engine (Quake II) to the Nintendo Wii, compiled using devkitPPC / libogc.