Pillar of autumn map
Pillar of autumn map

They escape with the Captain and more Marines. Master Chief goes to rescue him from a Covenant Ship. Cortana discovers Captain Keyes is still alive. The Master Chief rescues as many Marines as he can. Captain Keyes decides to crash his ship onto Halo, before it is completely destroyed by the Covenant. He did this on order by Captain Keyes, who knew they could not win. After putting Cortana (an Artificial Intelligence) in his head, the Master Chief escapes in a lifepod with other Marines. Keyes orders the Master Chief (who is sleeping while frozen) to be awakened. The Covenant board the Pillar of Autumn to kill the humans. Halo is surrounded by many Covenant ships. Reach was being destroyed, so they escaped. The Pillar of Autumn jumped (teleported) from the planet Reach. Master Chief is the last super soldier who is able to fight on the Pillar of Autumn. It arrives at Halo, surrounded by many Covenant Ships.

pillar of autumn map

The game starts with a ship, The Pillar of Autumn. The Covenant declared religious war on the humans.

pillar of autumn map

They are grouped together and known as the Covenant. In the year 2525, humans living on a planet around another star met several alien species. In the storyline, humans have created faster than light travel, and now live on many planets and moons in and out of the Solar System, both fictional and real. It is very old and was made long ago by a civilization called the "Forerunners." In the game, the year is 2552.

pillar of autumn map

The ring has plants and animals that live on it. The game setting is on or around a giant ring-shaped structure in space. Want to master Microsoft Excel and take your work-from-home job prospects to the next level? Jump-start your career with our Premium A-to-Z Microsoft Excel Training Bundle from the new Gadget Hacks Shop and get lifetime access to more than 40 hours of Basic to Advanced instruction on functions, formula, tools, and more.Story Setting (1) Part 1 of 8 - How to Walkthrough "The Pillar of Autumn" on Legendary in Halo: Reach on the Xbox360, (2) Part 2 of 8 - How to Walkthrough "The Pillar of Autumn" on Legendary in Halo: Reach on the Xbox360, (3) Part 3 of 8 - How to Walkthrough "The Pillar of Autumn" on Legendary in Halo: Reach on the Xbox360, (4) Part 4 of 8 - How to Walkthrough "The Pillar of Autumn" on Legendary in Halo: Reach on the Xbox360, (5) Part 5 of 8 - How to Walkthrough "The Pillar of Autumn" on Legendary in Halo: Reach on the Xbox360, (6) Part 6 of 8 - How to Walkthrough "The Pillar of Autumn" on Legendary in Halo: Reach on the Xbox360, (7) Part 7 of 8 - How to Walkthrough "The Pillar of Autumn" on Legendary in Halo: Reach on the Xbox360, (8) Part 8 of 8 - How to Walkthrough "The Pillar of Autumn" on Legendary in Halo: Reach on the Xbox360 Please enable JavaScript to watch this video.

Pillar of autumn map