But on that run I went immediately after the Collectors took my crew to their ship. I have to mention I already bote about 8 months ago the triology. But anyways In ME 2 I did at least I think every quest, every loyalty mission and so on because on the one hand I, of course, want to get to know every part of the story ME2 tells me and on the other hand I wanted to own a, to me, perfect savegame which I can always import for Mass Effect 3. Turn on suggestions.Hey guy I'm pretty new to this forum and this is my first Post First in English. Help us improve Answers HQ! Take Survey No, Thanks. Could you upload a save game that is not working to a free file sharing side so I can have a look at it? Dropbox or onedrive for example? This widget could not be displayed. Still the loading screen does not disappear. I corrected the mismatches and i did set the end game status, and saved to a new save slot. You also need to check " Romanced someone" in the " ME1 plot table " because you ticked the Liara romance option. Hi, i did set the endgamestatus, and i think i did the corresponding values right so i don't know. This might be the problem, if you choose "Citadel: Abandoned the Council" in the " ME1 plot table " you need to check the corresponding setting in the " ME1 imported plot table " as well. Well i only used a few of them because of the error percentage of the data corruption. If you don't use mods try to repair the game. This problem could be data corruption too or something else? Go to Solution. My problem is that after i edit the save file, and i'm trying to play as "import ME2 Character" it's always stuck in the loading screen. July I need a little help in mass effect 2 save editor.